Empower Your Clients with Our Financial Resilience Score Tool Solution

Integrating our Financial Resilience Score Tool into your website and digital platform will empower your clients, prospects, employees and communities to improve their financial resilience and financial wellness. Within 2-3 minutes, users receive personalized financial resilience scores, allowing them to quickly compare their results to their peers of a similar age and household income, with comparison benchmark data updated every four months. They may also gain access to free articles, tools and resources, services, advice or help from your organization and financial experts.

The Financial Resilience Score Tool is based on the Institute’s peer-reviewed Financial Resilience Index model and nuances of the Canadian consumer and market. Additional benchmark data and Index analytics for your market and organization, and customized solutions are available based on your business needs. Harnessing our robust API and flexible scalable solutions, the tool and user reporting dashboard for Financial Institutions and other organizations has many benefits. These include:

We have a comprehensive presentation for organizations interested in our white-label licensing options and piloting options. Our competitive tier-based pricing accommodates organizations of all sizes, ensuring accessibility for everyone.

By partnering with us, you’re not just providing a value-added service — you’re creating an impact on your clients and communities. Together, we can empower individuals to strengthen their financial resilience and financial well-being and build a more secure financial future. Check out our ‘making it real’ video on why this matters. To learn more about how your organization can integrate the Financial Resilience Score Tool, please contact us at info@finresilienceinstitute.org.

What does financial resilience mean, and why does it matter?